Mark Mundy self-released an album in 1971 that has stood the test of timeand has recently come to light as one of the most interesting private pressreleases. The self-titled album is an amusing and captivating collection of love songs that were recorded after he emigrated from Cyprus to the US. Mundy’s accent and earnest delivery only add to the charm of the songs that depict the hazards, and perils but indelible joy of falling/being in love.
There is a definite naiveness that is quite appealing and that transverses the songs, giving them a bittersweet quality. There is melancholy and sadness in a young person navigating their feelings that are still relevant to our current day.
The music is ’60s psychedelic pop with some exotic tinges, it has an addictive quality making you hum and perhaps singalong once you get the lyrics right.
One of the private press releases to have gained some popularity today and that is both surprising and familiar.
A neat and illustrative soundtrack for John Boorman’s film “Deliverance” (1972). The music in it is bluegrass to the extreme with well picked and played banjos, so it serves as a lovely introduction to instrumental bluegrass.
These tracks were originally recorded in 1963 and were subsequently re-released as a soundtrack for the film. Eric Weissberg and Marshall Brickman duel their banjos and create some vivid imagery that takes us back to the movie, at least the beginning of it with the appalachian landscapes and the beautiful river. The songs are rather short, never reaching the 3 minute mark and make up for wonderful vignettes of passionate and pure bluegrass. Definitely, a must-have for people who enjoyed “Deliverance”.

Fun and lively soundtrack for the movie Son of Dracula (1973) starring Harry Nilsson and Ringo Starr that became quite the cult classic, despite never been released on video and poor prospects of being released in dvd. The movie is indeed somewhat of an acquired taste and Ringo Starr has stated that the movie is terrible, however there is a campy charm to it that can’t be denied.
The soundtrack is made up of some Nilsson’s songs and the addition of sound excerpts from the film. A cool addition if you like Nilsson’s work and need some camp in your life.